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2024-2025 School-Based Leadership Group meetings
Come join our 2024-2025 School-Based Leadership Group meetings to keep abreast of the latest in school-based therapy services!
- Occupational Therapy Leadership Group (OTLG) meetings
- Time: 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM.
- Dates:
- September 19
- (October 17 – combined meeting; see below)
- March 6
- November 14
- December 12
- January 16
- (February 13 – combined meeting; see below)
- March 6
- April 17
- May 8
- Link to Register: https://hcde-texas-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpdOuuqjsrH9EVX0QLZg4eG1EPv7dctsaa
- Register once to attend any or all of the OTLG meetings and/or combined meetings
- Physical Therapy Leadership Group (PTLG) meetings
- Time: 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM.
- Dates:
- September 17
- (October 17 – combined meeting; see below)
- November 12
- January 28
- (February 13 – combined meeting; see below)
- March 18
- April 15
- Link to Register: https://hcde-texas-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsf-qurDssHNHWbGBBYC-VHTGtyWFPHsEx
- Register once to attend any or all of the PTLG meetings
- Combined OTLG and PTLG meetings
- Time: 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM.
- Dates:
- October 17
- February 13
- Link to Register: https://hcde-texas-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpdOuuqjsrH9EVX0QLZg4eG1EPv7dctsaa
- Register once to attend either or both of the combined meetings
- (This link is the same as the link for the OTLG meetings)
- Register once to attend either or both of the combined meetings