Service Delivery

  • New: When do missed sessions need to be made up?

  • Are outside agencies, such as home health, allowed to provide their services within the school setting? Does it depend on whether the student is receiving school-based therapy services or not?

  • Should an OTR/COTA provide feeding therapy (oral-motor therapy for swallowing/chewing) in the school setting?

  • I am seeking support regarding guidelines for reasonable caseloads for therapists in our school system. I know the AOTA has papers regarding shift from caseload to workload and ASHA has calculations to help determine realistic work/caseloads, but we therapists need some guidance in how to determine a caseload limit in order to help educate our administration.

  • Our OTA's write daily notes each time they see a student. Question: Progress reports are due each 9 weeks; how should our progress on our goals be documented? 1. Do they need to say per .... OT in the 9 weeks progress report card even though this is not a daily note? 2. Do the OTA and OT need to sit down and write the 9 weeks progress report together and have both sign their name? 3 Can this communication of progress be completed without face to face contact, e. g., OTA writes note/OTR reviews?

  • What do OT and PT mean when they write "Integrated" services?

  • Can you please clarify school-based v. medical model?

  • Our therapists have posed the question of counting motor lab time as part of direct services time for our students. Do you have any guidance on this topic?

  • Teachers and administrators are asking for weighted vests and other sensory items for students that are not receiving OT services. They want to take responsibility for the items. Should I give them these supplies?

  • I have a question about OT supporting speech only students in the schools. Can OT be provided to a student who only has an SI disability designation? What would this look like written as a collaborative objective between Speech and OT?

  • Can an OT provide services without a medical prescription or referral?

  • I am in the process of assisting a school district that I recently contracted to, in transitioning to a integrated IEP approach for OT, whereas OT will not have separate goals. We are receiving lots of resistance as the teachers do not understand why OT will no longer be pulling the students out to work on handwriting. They don't see how working with the child in class and providing recommendations as needed is direct service. Need help on explaining this model of OT service to the teachers.

  • I am currently involved in a challenging IEP/ARD process with a child with AU and a parent who is challenging every aspect of the previous and currently proposed IEP. The parent continues to demand all "OT Data collection" which should reflect all interventions including sensory therapy/strategies provided to the student. What is the best practice for OT Data Collection in school setting? Currently we use daily contact notes or soap notes.

  • I have been told physician referrals for related service including, PT and OT are good for 3 years, and from other sources, I have heard 1 year, as for homebound teachers. Can someone please clarify this issue?

  • Can adaptive chairs be used with students for reasons other than to improve positioning? Our department is getting asked to recommend using adaptive chairs for students with autism, hyperactivity, etc. to assist with visual attention and focus. Can we recommend? Do we need a seating schedule? What schedule do you recommend? Also, where can we find more concrete written information on this issue to share with other school staff?

  • The parent of one of the students assigned to me has brought physician orders regarding stretching and range of motion (ROM) for the student. How do I handle this request at school?

  • In reviewing the Electronic Signature Certification statement for SHARS billing, the OTs are questioning which of our services are considered "medically necessary" and how this is determined. Is handwriting or other classroom-based fine motor tasks ever considered "medically necessary?"