Early Intervening Services and Response to Intervention

  • In the state of Texas, how are Occupational Therapists or Physical Therapists involved in RtI? Are there specific rules or laws regarding OT or PT and RtI for TEXAS?

  • This upcoming school year my job is going to include RtI for fine motor and handwriting skills in Pre-K and Kindergarten classes in two elementary schools. Under the Texas OT Practice Act, as an OT working in General Education, I need to know if I am allowed to provide direct one-on-one service during the Tier 3 part of RtI in General Education?

  • I have 2 separate contracts; 1 for RtI only and 1 for OT providing 504 assessments and services. Within Tier 3 of RtI, as the RtI specialist, can I provide individual assessments to the Pre-K and Kindergarten students to determine which skills are deficient (according to TEKS), then provide the individual instructional remediations to these students? ​

  • What is the difference between Early Intervening Services and Response to Intervention?