Resource of the Month
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2018 Resources of the Month
December 2018
December 2018Evidence-Based Practice Resources for Individuals on the Autism SpectrumThe TxSpot Resource of the Month for December is a bundle of resources on Evidence-Based Practice for individuals on the autism spectrum. (You may be able to get continuing education credit for some of them.) Check them out!The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder:Autism Internet Modules: Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence & Practice: -
October 2018
October 2018Resources for ParentsWould you like some trustworthy resources that you could provide to the parents of the students whom you serve? Here are some that we found:Parent Coordination Network - A resource for parents of children receiving special education services (a leadership function of the Texas Education Agency). "The Patent Coordination Network is committed to ensuring that parents of students with diasabilities recieve accurate and timely information to assist them in making informed choices in theri children's education."Parent Coordination SHOUT OUT! - A newsletter from the Parent Coordination Network that offers tips and resources for parents of students with disabilities.Texas Project FIRST - "Created by parents, for parents!" A project of the Texas Education Agency committed to providing accurate and consistent information to parents and families of students with disabilities.Navigate Life Texas - Provides resuorces and information for kids with disabilities and special needs. A project of Texas Health and Human Services. -
September 2018
September 2018Photo from caribtots2teens.comDoes it seem like you have more and more students from different cultural backgrounds? How may culture affect their motor development? This Resource/Fact Sheet from the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy explores how motor development can vary across various cultures. It covers: What is Culture, Why is this Important, Culture and Motor Development, Implications for Therapists, Culturally Competent Care and Family-Centered Pediatric Care (Put on Your Thinking Cap), and lists additional resources for Cultural Competency. -
August 2018
August 2018“I’m Tyler....Don’t be surprised” is a peek into a real kid’s life where people just like you have realized that what a kid can do is much more important than what they can’t. In this inspirational video, Tyler talks about “Ability Awareness” and the teachers, administrators, para-educators, theater directors, music directors, youth leaders, karate sensei’s, Scout leaders, and others who saw his abilities rather than his disabilities and gave him the opportunity to be himself.Link to the Video: I'm Tyler -
July 2018
July 2018Every Moment Counts is a mental health promotion initiative developed to help all children and youth become mentally healthy in order to succeed in school, at home and in the community. This work focuses on reframing mental health as a positive state of functioning – it is more than the absence of mental illness. Positive mental health is associated with feeling good emotionally, doing well functionally, and coping with challenges in everyday life. For children and youth, this means doing well during academic (classroom) as well as nonacademic (recess, lunch, after-school extracurricular activities) times of the school day.The purpose of the website is share practical resources that can be used by school personnel, children/youth, and families to promote positive mental health and well-being in all children and youth throughout the day.Click for the link to the website: -
June 2018
June 2018Safe Student Lifting and Transfers in the School Setting: A Decision-Making GuideThis resource/fact sheet from the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy provides guidelines on safe lifting and transferring of students in the school setting. It includes recommendations from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, things to consider when creating a lifting/transfer plan, and decision-making algorithms. -
May 2018
May 2018
There is a new resource available for persons with a stake in special education in Texas. It is SPEDTex, the Special Education Information Center, and is sponsored by the Region 10 Educational Service Center. The purpose of SPEDTex is to deliver “accurate and timely resources about special education to stakeholders across the state of Texas.” In addition to various resources and videos available on the website, specialists are available to answer questions by telephone, email, or live chat.Click here for access to the SPEDTex website:
March 2018
March 2018
Successful Participation at School: Strategies for All StudentsThis resource from the American Occupational Therapy Association provides tips for educators on how to help their students:· Improve behavior· Improve attention to task and ability to work independently· Manage emotions· Promote friendship and peer interaction· Promote academic performance in areas such as literacy, numeracy· Improve executive function· Increase personal independence in daily school routinesIn addition, it desctribes the expertise that Occupational Therapists can provide in these areas.Follow the link: Successful Participation at School: Strategies for all Students -
February 2018
February 2018Seating and Wheeled Mobility: A Clinical Resource Guideby Michele L. Lange and Jean MinkelSeating and Wheeled Mobility: A Clinical Resource Guide provides the depth and breadth of the clinical practice of wheelchair seating and mobility to both those who are new to the field, as well as seasoned professionals. It presents clinical assessment considerations when working with a person with a disability who may need wheelchair seating for postural support, skin integrity, or a wheelchair base to best meet dependent or independent mobility needs. The text is divided into sections, each addressing a different area of clinical practice.