Procurement Services
About Us
The Internal Procurement Division is responsible for converting approved requisitions into purchase orders, creating RFP, RFQ, and RFI documents for the formal procurement process, training requisition generators, processing HCDE contracts, overseeing the P Card program and advising HCDE staff on compliance with purchasing laws.
The management of the Internal Procurement Division is dedicated to making ethical and lawful choices by providing a structured code of ethics for its personnel to follow. Internal Procurement Division employees shall model and promote ethical behavior to all HCDE employees through their behavior. View the Code of Ethics for Business Support Services and Internal Procurement Division Employees.
HCDE continues to improve transparency. We have created public information on our webpage which includes the following:
- The total value of contracts per business sector
- The total authorizations versus actual expenditures for the last five years per capita
- The listing of all purchase orders to include vendor, category, PO Amount, Check Amount and Account Code (for the last seven fiscal years).
- A link to Current bids and proposals
- A link to awarded bids and proposals
- A link to closed bids and proposals
- Check Registers (Accounts Payable) Link
- The Vendor Packet
- A link to applicable procurement statutes
- A link to the annual budget
- A link to the Financial Operations Guidelines
How to do Business with HCDE
Procurement Internal News
Current Advertisements for Bids/Proposals
HCDE uses the HCDE eBid System; a web-based, e-Procurement system that includes an electronic process for vendor registrations, automatic vendor notification of bid opportunities, and electronic vendor bidding.
Existing and potential suppliers wishing to do business with HCDE can register online in the HCDE eBid System. Please note that all vendors/suppliers must register online in this system whether or not they are currently awarded vendors or have formerly registered with HCDE.
Procurement Services Awarded Bids
Internal Purchasing (for additional information, view the Current Bid Opportunities page)- 25/007IA-2 - Local Food and Catering Services (DUE 3/4/2025)
- 25/008TD-2 - Event Spaces and Venues (DUE 3/4/2025)
- 25/009IA-2 - CASE for Kids Youth Services for Afterschool and Summer (DUE 4/1/2025)
Contract Awards
- CSP #21/0073YR - New Highpoint MS
- CSP #21/072EJ - New Adult Education Center
- CSP #22/058YR Humble EHS
- CSP #22/059EJ Barrett Station EHS
- RFP for CMAR #23/010KJ - Irvington Renovation
- CSP #23/011IA - Coolwood Head Start
- RFP #23/046EJ - Professional Web Design Services
- CSP #22/039TD - Barrett Station Head Start Site Clearing and Playground Installation
- CSP #25/004TD - Tidwell Head Start Site Clearing and Playground Installation
- CSP #25/005TD - LaPorte Head Start Site Clearing and Playground Installation
FY 2023 Small Business Program
FY 2022 Small Business Program
Unless otherwise indicated below, sealed solicitation documents will be received at the following address in accordance with the instructions and specifications contained in each solicitation request listed below.
Harris County Department of Education
6300 Irvington Blvd.
Houston, TX 77022
purchasing@hcde-texas.orgFormal solicitations are advertised in the Houston Chronicle in the Legal Notice section of the Classifieds. If you would like a copy of any of the solicitations listed, click on the links below, stop by the Purchasing Office at the address indicated above, or call (713) 694-6300.
Financial Operations Guidelines
Financial Operations Guidelines are up-to-date information on guidelines, forms and procedures for processing financial information from HCDE divisions and Business Services employees. The guidelines are reviewed and updated annually and are available in-house electronically. It is unaudited, but an invaluable source of internal control and accountability information for use by the external independent auditor. It includes updates of all functions in the business office including purchasing, accounting, accounts receivable, accounts payable, investments and debt.
Contact us for additional assistance on our Vendor Packet.
Applicable Statutes for HCDE Procurement
- Texas Education Code 44.031
- Texas Government Code 2269
- Local Government Code 252.021-0436, 262.021-030 and 271.021-029
- Government Code Ch. 2254
- Title 2 CFR 200
Current Financial Operations Guidelines
Internal Procurement/Choice Partners
Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statements (Form CIS)
CIS forms are kept on file according to standard document retention policies.Conflict of Interest Questionnaires (Form CIQ)
CIQ forms are kept on file according to standard document retention policies.New Vendors
New vendors should register through the HCDE eBid System in order to receive electronic notification of bid opportunities. Contracts are only awarded through the competitive bidding process or RFP.New Vendor Packet
Any vendor wishing to do business with HCDE should complete the New Vendor Packet and submit to HCDE as per the instructions on the cover page.Certificate of Interested Parties (HB 1295)
All vendors responding to any HCDE proposal must file a Certificate of Interested Parties form (HB 1295) through the Texas Ethics Commission.Utility Bills for HB 3693 Compliance
FY 2013, FY 2014, FY 2015, FY 2016, FY 2017, FY 2018, FY 2019, FY 2020, FY 2021, FY 2022, FY2023, FY2024
Contact Us
Dr. Jesus J Amezcua, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
6300 Irvington Blvd
Houston, Tx 77022
Brenda Del Valle, Executive Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
6300 Irvington Blvd
Houston, Tx 77022For board inquiries, please contact
Jessica Bermea, Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees
6300 Irvington Blvd
Houston, Tx 77022
Bid Awards