Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

  • Join us each month for a new theme and activities to work with your students! This month's theme is #FriendlyFebruary

    #FriendlyFebruary Quote of the Month:

    “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

    – Maya Angelou

  • Week 1: Action for Happiness Calendar #FriendlyFebruary

    Let’s give everyone a chance to spread kindness by shouting out someone in the program. A shout-out is a positive comment given from one peer to another, acknowledging something good they did or overcoming a challenge. This can be done at the beginning or end of your program, allowing youth a chance to give shout-outs. Check out the video from Edutopia on how shout-outs can bolster peer relationships. #FriendlyFebruary #Shoutout #BuildingPeerRelations

    Week 2: I Heart Afterschool

    There are millions of reasons to love afterschool. Afterschool programs keep kids safe, inspire learning, and help working families. Tell the world why you, your students, and your community love your afterschool program! I Heart Afterschool is February 14, and what better time to share how you feel about their afterschool program. Afterschool Alliance has free resources for you to use to share your love for afterschool. #FriendlyFebruary #IHeartAfterschool

    A fun and engaging activity for your program to try is a holiday themed Connections game. The connection game is based on the Connections game in the New York Times. Thanks to TCEA for sharing this fun and exciting game that will surely get your brain juices flowing. HOLIDAY THEMED - Connections GAME that can be done in your program, colored in pink, purple, and red. There are 16 words, divided into four categories of four words each, and each group shares a common thread. #FriendlyFebruary #ValentineDay #Connections

    Week 3: Create a Friendship Flower Garden (Random Acts of Kindness Day 2/17/25)
    First, ask youth to draw a flower with big petals and write a characteristic of a friend on each petal, then color them. Afterward, they can hang up their flowers to create a “friendship garden.” Friendship Activities for Kids – Very Special Tales (Activity #11) #FriendlyFebruary #FriendshipGarden

    Week 4: Let’s Dance! (Celebrating Black History)
    Learn about the art of stepping. Stepping is a form of dancing in which the body is used to create unique rhythms and sounds. The website Step Afrika! offers videos and information about the history of stepping. Challenge the youth in your program to create a unique step. Have them practice and share it with the whole group. About Us | Step Afrika! #FriendlyFebruary #CelebratingBlackHistory #Dance

    Week 5: Pom-Pom Jar Activity
    A pom-pom jar is a positive reinforcement strategy that promotes kindness. The process begins with an empty jar. Start by providing examples of acts of kindness, such as saying kind words, sharing, or helping with an activity. As kids perform helpful acts, they can add a pom-pom to the jar and share what they did. Afterward, everyone can acknowledge each act of kindness. Once the pom-pom jar is full, celebrate with a treat or game. #FriendlyFebruary #ActsofKindness

SEL Video of the Month

  • What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and how can I be part of this?

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

  • What is Social-Emotional Learning and why does it matter?

    Per CASEL, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) reflects the critical role of positive relationships and emotional connections in the learning process and helps students develop a range of skills they need for school and life.SEL Framework by CASEL

SEL Resources

  • I Am Poem Template

  • As the pandemic continues, kids are turning to meditation to manage anxiety

  • SEL skills include the ability to:

    •  set and achieve positive goals
    •  feel and show empathy for others
    •  establish and maintain positive relationships
    •  make responsible decisions
    •  understand and manage emotions


    All of these skills are necessary—both for educators and students—to function well in the classroom, in the community, and in college and careers.

    Visit the CASEL Interactive SEL Framework to learn more about the CASEL Wheel  (above)

Previous Monthly Themes

  • December 2024—#DoGoodDecember

  • November 2024—#NewWaysNovember

  • October 2024—#OptimisticOctober

  • September 2024—#Self-CareSeptember

  • August 2024—#AltruisticAugust

  • May 2024—#MeaningfulMay

  • April 2024 - #ActiveApril

  • March 2024 - #MindfulMarch

  • January 2024 - #HappierJanuary

  • December 2023 - #DoGoodDecember

  • November 2023 - #NewWaysNovember

  • October 2023 - #OptimisticOctober

  • September 2023 - #Self-CareSeptember

  • May 2023 - #MeaningfulMay

  • April 2023 - #ActiveApril